Featured Entrepreneur - Meet Malayna & Syliva!

This story is super great!! Malayna Dins & Sylvia Spurrier with their stand called Tropical Lemonade. These girls won our Greatest Giveback Award for donating 100% of their profits to the MACC Fund! Over $400.00! The story behind their full donation is that Malayna’s younger brother was “diagnosed with leukemia when he was 9 months old. Malayna was 4 at the time. Hayden's treatment protocol was 2 years down at Children's (about 10 months inpatient), with outpatient treatments at the MACC Clinic. While the diagnosis was hard on our whole family, Malayna struggled the most having 1 parent in Milwaukee, as well as worrying about her brother. There was no question in Malayna's mind where the funds would be going!” – Danielle Dins, Malayna’s mother