Yummy Lemonade

Now the great thing about Lemonade Day is seeing all of the kids ready to flex their entrepreneurship muscles. Two such entrepreneurs are Roy and Claire, the founders of Yummy Lemonade! Check out our interview with Roy below:
So why did you choose to participate in Lemonade Day Washtenaw County?
I did Lemonade Day to earn money.
Can't argue with that. Now when it comes to business some people say it's all about location. Where did you setup your business?
I chose Gallup Park, because I think there would be crowds of people. It was a hot day, so when kids playing hard on the playground structure, they were super thirsty.
Now Yummy Lemonade-that's a pretty bold name choice. What makes your lemonade so yummy? Can you tell us your recipe?
My recipe was just lemon, sugar, water and ice. People loved it!
Alright well now that you are equipped with knowledge and experience what would you do next year?
I did well on food safety and I will open longer time next year. I will study more to be a successful entrepreneur.
There you have it. If you want to know what makes Yummy Lemonade truly yummy than look for them at the next Lemonade Day Washtenaw County event!