2018 Best Business Winner - Greater Dallas

We are proud to honor this year's Best Business winner - Chylesia Chiles of Limonade Celeste. Chylesia used reclaimed materials from around her neighborhood to build a stand with her grandfather, she advertised with fliers and via Facebook, and her stand featured three homemade flavors of lemonade as well as slushes. Limonade Celeste's slogan - "Lemonade is best when it's blessed" - was displayed on t-shirts designed by her aunt.
Chylesia participated in Lemonade Day this year "because my mom told me about it and because she explained how I could help people like I've always wanted to by starting my own business."
After earning $1030 in profit from her stand, Chylesia saved some of her profits and shared some with the New Life Foundation.
Congratulations, Chylesia!