
We’re excited to bring Lemonade Day to Dallas, and we can’t wait for you to join us! Sunday, May 4, is our city’s first Lemonade Day. We would love to see you out there as volunteers, mentors, partners, funders and, of course, kids who want to start a business selling lemonade!
How Lemonade Day Got Started
Lemonade Day started seven years ago in Houston, Texas. Businessman Michael Holthouse wanted to help young people learn how to become entrepreneurs by teaching them to run their own business: a lemonade stand. Lemonade Day has grown from 2,700 kids in one city to 150,000 in 36 cities across the United States and Canada. The organization is supported by partners such as Google and is dedicated to helping youth entrepreneurship grow like never before! The young entrepreneurs learn a 14-step process that leads them from idea to business plan. They learn the basics of how to start a business and how to make a profit—spending, saving and sharing what they earn.
Dallas’ Inaugural Lemonade Day
Kids who sign up and go through the steps to build their business will start selling lemonade on May 4. Participants will be assigned a specific “corner” in the city to set up their stands. These kids get a backpack and workbook that outlines business skills such as setting budgets and goals, serving customers, repaying investors and more. They’ll also develop problem-solving skills and gain self-esteem. Lemonade Day stand owners keep their earnings and are encouraged to spend some, save some and share some with the charity of their choice.
How You Can Get Involved
As a Volunteer:
Volunteers spread the word by distributing materials, registering youth and talking about the event on social media. Volunteer by contacting Peggy Bessellieu at or calling 214-912-1548.
As a Mentor:
Those who are interested in leading a child through the 14 lessons of starting, owning and operating a business can visit our website for more information. We provide the tools and support to ensure a beneficial mentoring experience.
As a Partner:
Partners are a vital piece of the Lemonade Day puzzle. Organizations, classes, schools or ISDs can lead a entire group of children through Lemonade Day! Visit us online to get started.
As a Funder:
By contributing to Lemonade Day, funders build the future of entrepreneurship, offering real-life skills for success. Contact us to discuss developing a financial partnership.
As a Kid:
Kids who want to register and learn to run a business by setting up a lemonade stand can go here to get started.