Deming Luna Activities

Design & Create Your Tip Jar
Pay Sharity and Lemonade Day brings you something new in 2024!
Join us and design your very own tip jar. All supplies are provided. THis event is free to registered Lemonade Day Luna entrepreneurs.
Location: 301 S. Tin St., Deming NM
Ari 6th, 1pm-3pm

D1 Church hosts Registration at Easter Egg hunt
March 23, 2024 8am-12pm
D1 Church hosts Lemonade Day Luna registration at their amazing annual Easter Egg hunt at the Luna County Courthouse Park, Duck Downes and beyond!
Look for Lemmy and have some fun!

Micro Loan Days
Need a starter loan?
Let your workbook guide you through the process and apply for your first loan at 300 S. Gold Ave., Deming NM
Loans will be available in the month of April during standard business hours.

Lemonade Stand Design Day
We hope you will join Lemmy at our newly added activity, Lemonade Stand Design Days hosted by our partners Southwest Regional Education Cooperative.
Examples and fun will be had and all for free!
The fun will take place at SWREC 1321 E. Poplar, Deming NM
Sunday March 24, 2024 , 2pm-4pm

Deming Headlight Registration Days
On line registration or in person registration at:
The Deming Headlight
208 S. Gold Ave., Deming NM directly across from the ATM machines of Wells Fargo
Register today Tuesday through Friday, 9am to 1pm

Upcycle today, for a lemonade stand tomorrow!
Help Save Mother Earth
For pick up information contact:
(575) 343-6744 for Homegrown Market or (575) 544-8330 Cody Davis at Solitaire
Why? Upcycling reduces the strain on valuable resources such as fuel, forests and water supplies – and helps safeguard wildlife habitats. Upcycling reduces air and water pollution.
Here are a few suggestions on how we can be kinder to our planet this Lemonade Season:
- Use electronic communications and social media platforms as much as possible for promoting your business
- Create banners that can be used in future years
- Use paper cups, paper straws and paper napkins for consumables for serving customers
- Offer special pricing to lemonade buyers who bring their own containers
- Use fabric, paper or heavy-duty reusable plastic tablecloths
- Purchase tables and chairs from resale shops or borrow them from friends or family members

Brand Your Stand in Print
Newspaper Ads
Your local newspaper The Deming Headlight wants to help you get more visitors to your lemonade stand on May 11th!
Give them a call for details at (575) 546-2611, or stop by 208 S. Gold Ave., Deming NM
This program is for registered Lemonade Day participants only.
#marketingstrategy #lemonadestand #YouthEntrepreneurship #creativity