Denver Events

Lemonade Day Denver
All over Denver!
Lemonade Day Denver is coming in 2024!
Lemonade Day Denver is coming in 2024!

Lemonade Day University
Young Americans Bank: 3550 East 1st Avenue Denver, CO 80206 , 9/28/24
9:00 AM
Join Lemonade Day Denver and Young Americans Bank as we host Denver's first ever Lemonade Day University!
You won't want to miss out on this opportunity to ignite an entrepreneurial, creative spark in your child! The national Lemonade Day organization is collaborating with Young Americans Bank to host this engaging 5-hour workshop. Facilitators will take kids on a lesson-based journey with hands-on activities, supporting young entrepreneurs through the process of starting, operating, and running their own business - a lemonade stand. Participants will be guided through stations that will walk them through critical steps of becoming a successful business-owner, including setting goals, developing a business plan and budget, and creating a brand and marketing plan. With the help of community partners and volunteers, trained instructors will teach kids about safe site location, health sanitation, and customer service to maximize profit.
In addition to having a chance to win free supplies and materials to help them launch their real-life business, participants will pitch their business plan to secure a $30 micro-loan investment - setting them up for sweet success to achieve their dreams!
After this dynamic entrepreneurial journey, participants will graduate from LemonU equipped with the knowledge and confidence necessary to launch their businesses throughout their communities and networks.
Register for Lemonade Day University below: