Flathead Activities
Best Tasting Lemonade Contest - June 17th at Kalispell Center Mall
Plan to participate in this annual Lemonade Day contest!
Our annual Best Tasting contest is always lots of fun for the kids! This year's contest will open with 5:30pm sign-in out in front of Kalispell Center Mall. We'll have a new format this year (if you've competed in the past); tables will be set up in a row at the mall. Kids will all set up behind the tables and at 6pm our judges will stop at each kid's station to taste their lemonade; kids will also tell the judges their Lemonade name and creative ingredient. We anticipated that this new format will make it even easier for kids and families to participate, and will also go much more quickly. Announcement of winners will be between 6:30 and 7pm. Prizes will be awarded, along with a special certificate, to the winners of the: Best Tasting Lemonade, Most Unique Ingredient Lemonade, and Most Creatively Named Lemonade. More details about this year's contest will be posted here, shortly. Stay tuned!
Logo Contest!- new for 2024!
Enter your logo!
Part of creating your Lemonade business is selecting the perfect name, the perfect recipe, AND - creating a LOGO for your business! Insty-Prints MT in Kalispell is our sponsor of this year's first-ever Lemonade Day Flathead Logo Contest! Create your logo and enter it into the logo contest. Logo contest will close at 5pm on June 10th. More details to come shortly. Stay tuned!

Flathead Youth Entrepreneur of the Year
Participate in the Youth Entrepreneur of the Year Contest! After you have completed Lemonade Day, submit your business results and story to be entered into the contest. The winner in Flathead will go on to compete for the National Youth Entrepreneur of the Year award!