Houston Activities

My Lemonade Day App
Our My Lemonade Day app is now available!
The exciting digital experience walks kids through the steps necessary to start their lemonade stand.
Similar to the Lemonopolis digital program, kids will follow along through the 4 modules to learn how to set a goal, make a plan, work the plan and ultimately achieve success. Along the way, they will enjoy a fun, new, gamified experience complete with animated videos, activities, slideshows, and more.
Register today to use the My Lemonade Day app: Once you fill out the registration form through our site HERE, you will receive an email regarding your app details.
Have fun, and get ready to operate your own business!

Site Location Comparison Chart
You know what they say....
Location, Location, Location.....
It is key and a big factor that can influence how well your stand (or any business you set up) will do.
In our online lessons we go over "Site Location" and walk you through about picking a location. Need a refresher? Go back and read the lesson/watch the videos then complete a location comparison worksheet like this one to help you decide!
Comparison Chart Download:

#GoalChallenge Vision Board Activity
Every Entrepreneur has a vision for their company; it's what #motivates hard-work and #dedication.
Ask your youth about their vision for their company, goals and future!
Complete this activity with them.
Get the Vision Board Template (PDF) here so you can print and complete it:

Submit Your 2024 Business Results!
We want to hear more about your Lemonade Day experience!
After Lemonade Day, please submit your business results HERE.
By submitting your Business Results, you will be:
- Entered into a local drawing for a $100 Amazon Gift Card
- Entered into a Houston and National Youth Entrepreneur of the Year contest
- Entered for a chance to win a Family 4-pack to Lagoonfest Texas

Entrepreneur of the Year Contest
Online Contest
Participate in this year's Entrepreneur of the Year contest! After you have completed Lemonade Day, submit your business results and story to be entered into the contest. The winner in Houston will go on to compete for the National Entrepreneur of the Year award!