Monroe County Events

Lemonade Day University
The Mill- 642 N. Madison Street Bloomington, IN 47404 , 6/1/24
10:00 AM
Join us for Lemonade Day University Open House on Saturday, June 1st from 10am-1pm at The Mill (Downtown-642 S. Madison Street). Learn how to have a successful Lemonade Day with fun and interactive booths like Financial Literacy, Marketing, Customer Service, Food Safety, Recipe Development and MORE!

Pitch Competition
The Mill- 642 N. Madison Street Bloomington, IN 47404 , 7/10/24
5:30 PM
Do you want to share you successes, tricks, and earnings of your Lemonade Stand? Register Now for the Pitch Competition by emailing

Lemonade Day Celebration Carnival
The Mill- 642 N. Madison Street Bloomington, IN 47404 , 7/10/24
6:30 PM
We want to award you for all of your hard work you did at your Lemonade Stand! Join us for the Celebration Carnival! We were have games, food, and present awards to the stand winners! Don't miss this fun event!

Lemonade Day Monroe County
Monroe County Community , 6/7/25
9:00 AM
Support our Young Entrepreneurs and visit a Lemonade Stand on Lemonade Day Monroe County, Saturday June 7th. You will find stands all over Monroe County all day; morning, afternoon, and evening. You can visit the map on our website to find a lemonade stand near you!