Wayne County OH Activities

Best Sales Team Contest
Are you assembling a team to run your Wayne County Lemonade Day stand? The team that works together the best will be selected as this year's Best Sales Team! Think about the role each teammate will have to make your stand the most successful. All Wayne County Lemonade Day stands with at least 2 partners will be considered for the award.

Best Marketing Contest
They say marketing is a contest for people’s attention. This is especially true when it comes to promoting your lemonade stand. While it’s important to have great tasting lemonade, if no one knows your stand exists, how will they ever know that you have the best tasting lemonade in the world, or at least in your neighborhood? Create posters, commercials, and more to spread the word about your lemonade stand. Share those materials with us to be considered in the selection of the winner of the Best Marketing Contest. Send your marketing materials to
All Wayne County Lemonade Day stands are eligible for this contest.

Squeeze the most out of Lemonade Day and attend one of our workshops!
Through the Lemonade Day experience, kids have the ability to develop attributes of an entrepreneurial mindset by learning and acting as an entrepreneurs.
Join us on Tuesday, May 28 at 7:15 p.m. or on Thursday, May 30 at 5:30 p.m. for an educational Lemonade Day workshop presented by Chad Kauffman, Co-Founder, Kitty Poo Club and Rodd Welker, President, Eagle Advisor Group. They will offer some insight into what it means to be an entrepreneur and what it takes to operate a successful business. During this hour-long class, kids and their mentors will have the opportunity to brainstorm ideas for their stands in ways that relate to the lessons in the My Lemonade Day app.
Both sessions will be hosted at the Wooster Area Chamber of Commerce located at 377 W. Liberty St., Wooster, OH 44691. It is encouraged that you register for Wayne County Lemonade Day and start the lessons in the My Lemonade Day app prior to the workshop.
Best Lemonade Stand Contest
Compete for a chance to be named the Best Lemonade Stand of 2023!
Let your creativity shine! Does your stand have a theme? Are your signs handmade?
All Wayne County Lemonade Day stands will be considered for the Best Lemonade Stand Contest.
Wayne County OH Youth Entrepreneur of the Year Contest
Participate in the Youth Entrepreneur of the Year Contest! After you have completed Lemonade Day, submit your business results and story to be entered into the contest. The winner in Wayne County will go on to compete for the National Youth Entrepreneur of the Year award!