Lubbock Activities
My Lemonade Day App
The My Lemonade Day app is an exciting digital experience that will walk kids through the steps necessary to start their lemonade stand. Kids will follow along through four modules to learn how to set a goal, make a plan, work the plan, and ultimately achieve success. Along the way they will enjoy a fun, gamified experience complete with animated videos, activities, slideshows, and more. Get registered today so your child can use the app. and get their stand going!

Entrepreneur of the Year Contest
Online Contest
Participate in this year's Entrepreneur of the Year contest! After you have completed Lemonade Day, submit your business results and story to be entered into the contest. The winner in Lubbock will go on to compete for the National Entrepreneur of the Year award!

Loan & Lease Forms
Investor: a person who lends money in order to earn a financial return
Loan: a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest
Interest: a charge for borrowed money, generally a percentage of the amount borrowed
Click here to download the following forms and other resources: